....radio ga-ga.....

Emergency blip tonight....the little radio I take fishing with me....it doesn't catch many fish! On Sunday it refused to let me listen to the United- City match because someone (not me) had left it turned on and the batteries were flat.

We lost again in the quiz tonight....for the first time in weeks it wasn't because the questions were unbalanced...it was because we didn't get our act together....because we didn't know much about Chinese cellists....because we didn't go for answers that we should have done....because the Captain (not me) made some bad choices and because the same person made a right bollocks of one question by not listening to what three of us were telling him !

Some questions for you to try:-
1.Which Supermarket chain's name is a shortened version of Albrecht Discount?
2. Who was Mohammed Ali fighting when the crowd chanted "Ali, bom-a ye"
3. Which political leader wrote a best selling book on Judo?
4. Which cellist established the Silk Road Ensemble?
5. Which boxing trainer trained 5 different World Champions?
6. Eleanor Ostrum became the first woman to win which Nobel Prize?
7.Which word first used in the 13th Century to describe a perfect diamond is now used to describe a person who is a role model to others?
8. Which transport measurement converts to 1,435.1 mm?
9. Which British river did the Romans call Abona?
10.Which French river did the Romans call Liger?
11.What name was given to the CIA owned airline that played a part in the Vietnam war transporting weapons and insurgents.?
12. Which small birds of the genus Motasilla get their common name from the motion of their tails?
13. Which birds get their common name from their activity of bobbing up and down in fast flowing rivers and streams searching for food?
14. C47 Dakota aircraft known as "Spooky" coined which Air warfare term?
15. Which French word refers to combining the meanings of two or more words into a single word?
16. There were 31 documented assassination attempts on the life of which world leader between 1960 and 1970?
17. Which F1 racing team made its debut in the 1969 season in Brabham BT26 cars?
18. Absolut vodka is produced in which EU country?
19. In Friends which character has the middle name Muriel?
20. Which Punjabi word for cotton underpants was popularised in the Tv series Goodness Gracious Me?

Das vidanya moy padruga.

2. George Foreman (in Zaire)
3. Vladimir Putin
4. Yo-Yo Ma
5. Angelo Dundee
6. Economics
7. Paragon
8. UK standard gauge railway
9. Avon
10. Loire
11. Air America
12. Wagtails
13. Dipper
14. Gunship
15. Portmanteau
16. General Charles de Gaulle
19. Chandler Bing
20 Chuddies

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