Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Love the Montreal metro. Not only is it quick, efficient and good value, it is also of intrinsic artistic value. And the big coloured circles are great for jump shots.

Had an interesting time in Little Burgundy. Not much there - it is mainly an up and coming residential area although the architectural styles were interesting and we did pick up some nice vegan bits in the meat dominated Atwater Market. This is an old Art Deco building with an impressive floral clock tower that works like a Tardis in reverse - seems smaller on the inside.

The Montreal holocaust museum had a real impact. Pulled no punches, but reminded me of what dangerous times we live in. History is on the brink of repeating itself big time and is already doing so in some parts of the world. I was very struck by the survivor accounts of peoples’ disbelief that Hitler and the Nazis could gain progressively more traction, first through elections and then through manipulation and seizure of control of the national psyche. And race hatred did not, as we know, end with the defeat of those who set up concentration camps. In fact part of the reason for the impetus behind the Zionist movement after World War Two was that jews returning home were stilled being killed in pogroms and random acts of violence. Nearly sixty Jews returning to their home town in Poland were killed because the community did not want them back.

Lest we forget.

Later we went to a great little bar for a couple of beers and then, after a short sojourn, went out for vegan sushi of the highest quality. A real taste fest in fact.

Happy, thoughtful, good day.


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