Disaster averted

I usually have two or three bags of coffee beans in the cupboard: there are the staples that I buy from Booths and then the ones I buy on a whim when I'm out and about (like from the fab coffee shop in Clitheroe).

Sometimes I will have more than one bean on the go at once, and they live in different jars, with a bit of the label sellotaped on top so I know which is which. The big jar that you can see in the photo - bought from a Starbucks in Glasgow in 2000 - usually contains Booths' 'Finest and Best'.

I came to the bottom of that jar, yesterday, so this morning I went to the cupboard to get a fresh bag and I was taken aback to find that there wasn't one! No beans at all!

My distress didn't last for too long, though; I remembered that when I met up with Ange on Saturday, she had given me a bag of beans (and some chocolate). Lifesaver!

-11.3 kgs
Reading: 'In Aleppo Once' by Taqui Altounyan

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