Change of Scene

Another icy underfoot day but the sun shone making the frosty pavements sparkle.
Walking round the Meadows is beginning to pall so I decided to venture further afield to the tourist haunts of yesteryear and still be within the locality.
How glorious it was to walk down the High Street devoid of people and feel able to stop and look down all the closes and wonder what life must have been like hundreds of years ago when it was weather like today and people had no electricity or warm clothing. How on earth did people manage the cold?

I am always interested in looking at Tweeddale Court which was the address of the Publisher, Oliver & Boyd , where my father worked during my childhood.
As I stood looking at the entrance I turned round to see the back of the tenement at no 2 High Street with all the curved balconies rising above me and looking over Tweeddale Court.
I was so disappointed to see at least 5 Key holders attached to the entry door meaning that all these flats must be AirBnB rentals.
I get really angry at what is happening to the centre of the city with a burgeoning of hotels and flats all geared up to tourists, leaving ordinary residents outnumbered. How I wish our city fathers and these private entrepreneurs and renters would stop money grabbing and instead improve the quality of life in our historic city centre for people who actually live here.

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