By lizzie_birkett

You Were Right...

...you Blippers!
This morning my foot was more painful to walk on. Some of the protective swelling had gone down. I phoned NHS 24 and someone phoned back really quickly and told me to be at A+E at 12.30.
Once there I was seen more or less straightaway and X-rayed. 
A broken 5th Metatarsal - which he said is the best one to break as it doesn't need a plaster cast. Instead he measured me for this very stylish sandal which is shaped to make me walk on my heel. This will be my footwear for the next 4-6 weeks! Lovely.
It reminds me of those sandals Japanese ladies wear. 
The only thing that was a bit odd about A+E was that I hobbled in and they examined my foot and said 'Oh that looks bad. It's very bruised and swollen'. Then told me to walk to Xray which was quite a way down a long corridor!
Anyway, thanks for all your sympathetic comments and advice.

Sitting there looking round at other patients in the waiting room - mainly women - I thought, Oh my God we all need haircuts!  

Frank has had a day of boat maintenance
fixing doors that didn't shut properly. All good now though he still has a skylight to do but he'll wait for better weather.

Last night we watched the first two episodes of The Crown and we're hooked now.
It made me cringe when on their Commonwealth tour Elizabeth and Phillip referred to the African people as savages! 
How awful!
We'll be watching another 2 tonight.

A lovely sunny day today but still quite cold.
It is still February though. No walks for me though. I was told just walking round the house or boat just now. 
Best on tbe boat as no stairs. 

That's for today. Thanks again Blippers ;-)X

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