Antiques Road Show at Ham House

Today I popped to Ham House where I knew they were filming the Antiques Roadshow this weekend. Interesting to see how many crew there were…many many more than people bringing objects to be looked at. All very spaced out because of Covid. Only a few ‘spectators’ who had booked to go to the NT property today,  like us, as they had not advertised it was on…but I heard from someone who volunteers in the garden there and was acting as a steward today. 
Each set of tables and chairs with umbrella was for a different type of object….this was Miscellaneous. 

We only watched one thing being evaluated…it was a brick which had a child’s hand print embeddded in it! The expert thought it was probably Victorian and maybe a child had been involved in making the bricks at that time despite various Factories Acts banning child labour by then.  The person who had brought it in was a builder who had found it 35 years ago when doing work on a house in Highgate and ever since had had it on a shelf in his study! The director wanted about five different takes from different angles so it was quite a lengthy process. 

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