
The Red Arrows were supposed to be passing overhead this afternoon, en route to Scotland, so we headed off to Morecambe to try and catch a glimpse. Quite a few people had gathered on the Prom in anticipation, but the low cloud and intermittent drizzle did not fill me with confidence. And it seems my doubts were well founded, as it was not long after we arrived that word spread through the assembled throng that the fly past had been called off due to the weather. So I had to settle for a picture of “Venus and Cupid”, which sits at the northern end of the Prom.
Having spent nearly seven hours last night binge-watching “Reacher” on Amazon Prime (got to make the most of our 30 day free trial!) we were not exactly up and raring to go this morning, but I did eventually manage to get to the gym - for the second day in a row! I can’t help but think that I won’t be long out of bed tonight though.
And I’ve just learnt that the fly past may be going ahead tomorrow, so I might still get a picture of the Red Arrows this weekend.

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