The Arwen Assault Course

I didn’t think I’d go out for a walk today, as I wanted to get on with the cookery book I’m writing. I had to photograph stuff I’d cooked and write up the recipes then hunt through years of food photos to find what I needed to illustrate the pages.

However at 3 Shona texted to ask if I wanted a quick half hour on the hill.. Needless to say, I didn’t say no. We decided to see if the top carriage drive had been opened yet after storm Arwen which was 2 months ago. As you see, we had to go over and under - I didn’t photograph every predicament. Suffice to say there was about 100 yards of this then it was more or less clear. We did 3.6 miles round the carriage drive then headed to the trig point and back over a bit that’s usually too muddy, but as we’ve had many drying windy days, it was doable.

Ailie had a mystery to solve - yesterday she called to ask if she had left one of her presents, a bottle of wine in a pretty bag, in our house after her birthday lunch. I teased her saying that maybe we’d found it and drunk it, but actually it wasn’t here. Mr C had chauffeured her home and said he was sure she’d clambered into the car burdened with bags. I asked her today if it had turned up. She said she’d found the gift tag near her gate, so assumed she’d set down the bag to open the gate. “But nobody here would take it, so what can have happened to it?”she asked.

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