Stormy at Eshaness

A day of gales, showers, hail and some lovely spells of sunshine.  It has been bitterly cold. 

Day off and up fairly early.  It was a better day than expected, so headed out before noon.  I've been doing a spot of wave watching.  I got caught in a hail shower, it was so fierce, it felt like a thousand pins being stabbed into me, and then later got drenched by the the huge waves crashing.  Back home, warmed up and fetched Sammy from Madeline's.  Some walkies with Sammy, and then off to work in the shop this evening.  More walkies, before feet up.

Another wild storm battering the isles again, but at least there was some sunshine along with it.  A breezy walk towards the Dore Holm, where the waves were crashing over, along with a blow hole shooting into the air, same out by the lighthouse too.  The waves were enormous, the Moo Stack in centre right is about 120ft, with the cliffs climbing to about 500ft.  Some power in that waves, and some strength in the rock to stand up to it.  Looking north from the lighthouse, Eshaness.  

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