A birthday treat

Up early to take Amber to kennels for 24hrs, as we are ‘doing something’ with R & S later!!! 

We met them in Newark, parked our car and were transported into Nottingham. The surprise was tickets for the Ice Hockey match between the Nottingham Panthers and the Cardiff Devils. We’ve never been to see this event, so there was great excitement. Very much a family event with all ages there, the youngest looked about 2 yrs!! 

S is Canadian and has played ice hockey at home, so sat between B and me to explain what was going on and to answer my questions, of which there were many. A wonderful experience. I joined in with the spectators singing, clapping, standing up waving arms like a nutcase!!! Etc. No shortage of exercise today.

We had dinner at Vietnamese restaurant, another first, new food, most enjoyable. S was provided with bib for his dish, to reduce the risk of him wearing the contents (in extras) It was almost 10pm before we got back home, an action packed day. 

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