
With an accident closing the Kendal by-pass for most of the day, we were somewhat limited for choice as to what to do/where to go for “Thursday day out”
We went to the gym before lunch for a workout and it seemed the traffic wasn’t as bad as earlier. Decided we would go out after lunch, but it would have to be somewhere close. Heading out of Kendal towards Levens, we could see that the road was still closed. The accident happened early this morning and the air ambulance was required to airlift one seriously injured person to hospital. One assumes that the police were keeping the road closed to do a thorough accident investigation, in case those injuries subsequently prove fatal.
Even though Levens Hall and Gardens weren’t open, you could still park there and go for a walk through the deer park along the river. But with a bitingly cold wind and many fallen trees and branches along the path, it was a very short walk indeed before we fled for the warmth of the cafe and a welcome cup of tea and a scone with jam and cream. On the way home, the radio reported the by-pass had reopened so we were able to get back to the house without a long detour.
Even though the gardens were closed, I was able to get a shot of the famous umbrella tree from across the road.

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