The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

The Power Of Love Is A Curious Thing

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

The Prince and I were watching the fantastic news about Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s release and it got me thinking.

Me: “You know I love you?”

The Prince: “Yeah?”

Me: “If you were imprisoned, I’m not sure I could do a 21 day hunger strike.”

The Prince: “You do get hangry.”

Me: “I do, and I think it would detract from the cause if I was going a bit bat sh1t.”

The Prince: “You could maybe skip breakfast?”

Me: “And lunch. I’m not a monster. Although I might need snacks. It’s a long time until dinner with no breakfast or lunch. I’d make a placard.”

The Prince: “Oh great. So…you’d just sit outside the foreign office for 21 days?”

Me: “Yeah…if it was summer. It could get a bit chilly.

The Prince: “Let’s just hope I don’t end up being imprisoned.”

Me: “I’d have a placard.”


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