Afternoon tea

Friday started with BP - three times this week with three different instructors.  I know the routines now and the music is so familiar I find it going round in my head, even when I am not in the class.  I popped into B&Q as I wanted to get a new houseplant for the bathroom.  I currently have a silk orchid which looks ok but I fancied a change.  I found a nice plant but couldn't find a plant pot that I liked.  First world problems!  Home for shower but electrician came earlier than planned so I was pottering while he was finding out the problem with electrics in the conservatory.  OH home from golf and I left him with the Electrician.  Shower and change and a quick walk to J who was hosting afternoon tea for some of the local girls.  She is a great cook,  scones and prosecco in the sunshine was a lovely way to spend a Friday afternoon. She has an amazing garden and we enjoyed a tour but I came home with a bit of garden and house envy.  Her house is always so clean and kitchen spotless.  Mine is less so!  

OH hadn't moved from the spot in front of the TV where I had left him, still watching golf.  Or should I say 'Bl**dy golf'.  I am not particularly a sports fan and with Sky - there is ALWAYS some sport to watch.  OH loves watching and I sometimes have to wrestle the remote control from him or sit in another room.  I have been told at the time of writing there are 'two more holes' then I am going to find a film to watch!!

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