all our eyes are upon you

The weather was still unsettled this morning so I decided to visit Brodick Castle. I have explored the grounds many times but last went inside the castle about 20 years ago. It hasn’t changed very much in that time but there were a few new things to notice, one was this collection of owls in the wine cellar. They are Victorian drinking horns…

The grounds were just as wonderful as ever, the climate here is so mild that many subtropical plants thrive, and the walled garden was beautiful too.

I had come by bus but decided to walk back, along the Fisherman’s path which follows the shore to the Ferry Terminal, and then up the Corriegills Road to the summit of Dun Fion Iron Age fort, from which there is a fabulous view in all directions. I had walked 12 miles by the time I reached my “home”.

By afternoon, the wind had dropped and the sun was astonishing hot. I wonder what tomorrow’s weather will be like?

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