An vintage Snowman book…from 1985

Today I had a look through all the children’s books we have in our house for the Christmas ones. These are three that belonged to my children…. The Snowman was £2.95 a 1985 edition, we have another copy bought in 2018 which was £7.99. I happened to hear Howard Blake talking about composing Walking in the air to go with the original Snowman film, on the radio on Saturday . The song was written and first performed in 1982, but not by Aled Jones…he first sang it in 1985 and from then I think everyone associates it with him.

The Ladybird book was published in 1987 so I’m not sure that £1.40 was such a bargain! The Thomas book from the same time was 70p. 
Tomorrow I am going to see the youngest grandson so will take these  with me.

Today I made the effort to go swimming, only a four other people in the pool and it was very chilly in the changing rooms!

I managed to pack up a few presents and think I have all I need. 

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