Movin’ Out

A long day today. But apart from a bed, a settee and a wardrobe, the flat is now empty. Fitting everything else into the back of the car was a little like a giant game of Tetris at times, but I got it all in eventually.
Mrs C did a sterling job of cleaning as much as possible so there will only be a bit of hoovering to do once the remaining items are loaded into the van on Thursday.
After a quick visit to see mum, we had a reasonably good run back up the M6 and were home in time to get everything unloaded before an early tea, as we were both out this evening - Mrs C to WI and me to the gym.
The house now looks like some sort of furniture warehouse, and it will get worse before it gets better as there will be a settee and king size bed arriving in due course (the wardrobe is going straight to the auction house). Hopefully all this surplus furniture can be found new homes fairly quickly, otherwise it’s going to be very cramped in our lounge this summer!
It’s the Bank Pensioners Club AGM tomorrow. Not exactly strenuous, but it will take up a goodly portion of the day, which could probably be better spent putting things away and contacting all the people we need to tell that the flat will no longer be ours after this week.
Time for an early night I think…

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