You lookin’ at me?

I love horses although I’ve never learned to ride or spent much time with them. I always say hello to any that I meet and think what a lovely job it would be to be a horse masseuse. Instead I am a horse whisperer :-)

Today has been all about recovery. I was awake by 8 and the feet felt a bit sore when I put weight on them. Chris cooked us an amazing breakfast and then we sat on the sofa, swaddled in blankets, and talked to D on the phone for an hour. See extras…

In the afternoon, I went for a walk up on the North Downs and around Gatton Park, a new place for me. I passed a livery stables on the way where I stopped to talk to this horse. There was a warm tropical breeze and I was wearing shorts and t shirt. Lots of people were up on the Downs enjoying their Sunny Sunday.

When I got back, we were on the sofa again for crisps and an episode of Columbo.

And now Chris is cooking the tea. My job is washing up.

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