Still going…since 1938

A busy day..Pilates and coffee with the usual group. Then to a couple of garden centres for compost and grit plus Homebase for a lampshade.

Lunch with ex work colleagues. Lovely and sunny so we could sit in the garden of the Adelaide Pub in Teddington. Although I knew a bit about Queen Adelaide who was the wife of William IV 1930-1937 and lived in Bushy House( now part of NPL) I had no idea that Adelaide in Australia was named after her!  Gleaned from info on the walls there.

Then it was time to pick up the grandchildren from school and back at their house we planted a few pots of bulbs.

The Beano is still going strong ..Issue no 4202. It was started in 1938.  The grandchildren had a copy which still looks so familiar. When I looked up its origins I found a Beano website with various online games and quizzes. We have one Beano annual at home from 1992 and I also remember getting it sometimes when I was young too.

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