
By hazelh

Tufted ducklings

Keen to make the most of the lovely summer warmth, Mr hazelh and I spent most of the afternoon and evening outdoors. After lunch with Mummy hazelh in the back garden, we walked to the Royal Botanic Garden, then to Inverleith Park, and back home via the Stockbridge charity shops. Dinner was served in the back garden too, in the beautiful evening light.

I went to the gym this morning. I'm pleased that I managed 60 lengths of swimming despite very little sleep last night. I decamped to the study at about 2:30am with foot and knee painsomnia. Given today's step count, I may suffer again tonight - but this time I will take the painkillers as soon as I get into bed.

My blip is of two tufted ducklings on Inverleith boating pond. The extra (in colour) shows one of them with their mother.

Exercise today: swim (60 lengths); walking (22,740 steps).

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