From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Faintheart never won, Braveheart might.....

One of my favourite films after Shawshank Redemption is Braveheart. I first saw it at the Odeon cinema in Brum just after it was first released one sunny day when I was on leave. The man I was seeing at the time wouldn't come with me as he wasn't into that sort of thing. I have mentioned him before. He nearly put me off my favourite track 'Big Log' by Robert Plant always announcing he was going for a Robert whenever he needed the loo when we were out. He was a bit of a pillock actually and we fizzled out soon after.

Anyway, back to Braveheart... Despite the fact it was a very romanticised and not strictly accurate version of events back then, it's a beautiful film and I remember leaving the cinema out into the sunshine of New Street with red rimmed eyes from weeping and a swollen nose looking like I'd been hit in the face with a frying pan. Mel Gibson with his rocker hairstyle and Hollywood teeth looking more like the drummer of Iron Maiden than a freedom fighter did more for Scottish independence with that film than Sean Connery managed in his many years of campaigning.

Well, Braveheart was on last night at 11pm and I started welling up as soon as the music started so I fled down the stairs to my bed as I knew I had an early start today returning to my other home. I cried in the dark for a while thinking of that lovely bit at the end where his stomach is slit - NO! NOT EXACTLY THAT BIT! - the bit where he is dying and he sees his only true love and they are reunited in death. Bloody hell, I'm even snivelling now! I just hope I don't have to wait to be hung, drawn and quartered before I float off to a happy afterlife with the love of my life! Apart from anything else, I know I'll be burning in hell listening to rock music with Cara. We have it all planned...

Anyway, this is Bony's new kilt complete with my Claymore kilt pin Dad's sister gave me years ago. McLeod was Dad's real surname but as he was brought up by his grandparents on his mother's side, he took their surname with his original kept as a middle name instead. I have inherited that and have McLeod Wood on my birth certificate.

I will show Bony in all his glory before the week is out when Bony is feeling talkative again.

Track? Wishbone Ash today - Throw Down The Sword

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