From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Calm after the storm

Sigh! River City has just started so I, Bony will have to write this blip while I'm watching.

Roz : Don't forget to say what I told you to!

Bony: All right! All right! I'm doing it!

Roz : Get on with it then!

Bony: I'm sorry for being rude and grumpy yesterday. I promise I'll be on my best behaviour from now on. I do appreciate all my fine clothes and wonderful place to stand on the landing outside the bathroom *cringe*

Roz : And?

Bony: I promise not to make any more dodgy remarks at your ..*ahem* dodgy decisions.

Roz : Gee, thanks.

Bony: Of course it was your threat of putting me in a cupboard that made me realise the error of my ways. Let's face it, no one wants a skeleton in the closet, do they?

Roz : Sigh! Just get on with the picture please.

Bony: Oh hell! If I must.... Today's photo is of a gorgeous pigeon. He's quite ruggedly handsome, don't you think? *urrrrggghhh! I'm going to be ill!*

Roz : Track?

Bony: Now we're talking! From the series True Blood, here's a cracker from a band called Little Big Town - Bones

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