Mummy Pig

It was difficult to adjust to being home today. Now I love Chorlton (as readers of my blip will know) but it had lost it's shine today sadly. After Anglesey's green and pleasant land the past few days; it just seemed so grey and urban. Full of traffic fumes and harassed looking shoppers. On a rainy walk with the pram, I fantasised about moving to Anglesey instead *sigh*.

It had meant to be a day at work with some appointments in town but sadly Audrey's stomach upset continued so I couldn't take her to nursery. I cancelled all my work and stayed home instead.

She slept for two hours this morning and another two this afternoon. She's hardly eaten either so nursery would definitely have been a bad idea. It's strange as she seems OK in herself (except for being upset with her nappies) but is clearly ill.

All Audrey wanted to do was watch endless episodes of Peppa Pig (see pic). I've ended up becoming quite fond of Peppa Pig. It really is quite adorable as far as children's TV goes!!

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