
Hi Tom

This is how the day has been really...a little bit of all sorts. Weather wise we have had blue sky, grey sky, sunshine, showers, down pours and hailstones.

I went to Bootcamp this morning. It's hard going back when you have had a week off. Getting up at 5.20 was very hard. Not sure my body was quite ready for it but I'm glad I went. Two teachers from my special needs school have joined which is really nice. One is getting married in August and wants to get in shape and thought I'd done so well that they are giving it a go. It was lovely to see them there.

Went to fat club. Did my little job there. It's great weighing in's like a confessions box. I get all the excuses being given to me as to why they have had a bad week. Usually they haven't done as bad as they think they have. I lost another half a pound this week. I actually thought I'd put on as I'd done no exercise plus I've had lots of sugary throat sweets and drinks sweetened with honey among other things. Hopefully if I'm good this week it will stay off....see I'm doing the same thing :) .

Had to get back home quickly as someone was coming around to mend our bed. I also gave him a list as long as my arm of other jobs to be done. Hopefully that list will be started on in a couple of weeks.

Should have met up with julie but she wasn't well. We usually have lunch or go to Costas. So I took Costas to her....and a nice cake.....not for me though.

Did some shopping, ironing and sorted the bedroom out as we can now sleep in our bed properly.

See a day of all sorts....and it's not finished yet.

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