From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Nothing much today!

This will be the shortest write up ever! It was a quiet day and I am lacking inspiration.

I am beginning to feel like I'm in an Alfred Hitchcock's film. I go go out in the garden with nuts and birdseed and can feel the eyes watching me from every branch. I nearly had a nasty accident when I was filling the nut container. I could hear scampering, glanced up and gazed straight into a lovely pair of squirrel eyes less than a few inches from my face on the shed roof. At least I didn't shriek! I think the cheeky so and so's should at least wait until I'm back in the house.

Lucky seems to have spent most of the day eating. I didn't take many pictures today as I got bogged down in a few things. Today's picture is a quick one of Lucky (on the right) with a friend.

Track? Eric Burdon is doing a fine version of this one - Hold On, I'm Coming

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