Bog Asphodel..

..a pretty little plant, one of the many growing on the hill behind our house. Growing alongside orchids, hay rattle, birds foot trefoil, a host of grasses sedges and rushes, a few rowan trees (only about 6 inches high in this exposed location), and a dwarf prostrate willow (a pic on facebook for you Svetlana!!).. It's a lovely spot with views out across Edrachilles bay, over the Minch to the outer Hebrides, and North to Handa Island..

G went on a pilates course in Lochinver, and I was going to go with Tanni for a long walk. But the jobs were piling up, so I stayed home and had a "fix-it" day..

The toilet seat in the bathroom was broken, fixed in place with plastic screws, one had broken. Replaced with a coach bolt, and good as new..

The seat on A's tractor broke when I was rotorvating yesterday. The hinge was well rusted, so I made a couple on new hinges and bolted them on..

The gate to the chicken run also had a broken hinge. So fixed that too, and turned the gate around (hinged from the right rather than left) to make it easier to get into the run..

Did the sunday chores in the tunnel, feeding, sideshooting,weeding, tieing up, and deadheaded the salad bed that had gone to flower..

Then planted up four cellular trays (three of lettuce and one of overwintering cauliflower and late brussels)..

Tea, and then a quick walk to the top of the hill with Tanni..

A nice day after rain mid morning..

Music, the only thing I could think off for Asphodel!!..

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