..and Wild Thyme..

..continuing the theme of wild flowers on the croft, this is wild thyme. We have quite a lot of it clinging to crevices in the rocks, or just growing in amongst the grasses. It is a member if the mint family, but the leaves tend to be very small, so not a lot of use culinary.

Went to the lodge today to weed the beds, but stopped by rain (and a cloud of midges). Did a harvest of salads for the Seafood Restaurant, collected by L.

Lunch comprising broccoli soup and a slice of bread. And salad for tea. G and I are dieting. Doing this two days a week on limited intake.. Not been doing it long, but already lost nearly 6 bags of sugar between us (and I've lost more than G!!).

Then went down the croft in a light shower, but was plagued by the "wee beasties" again. Only managed two trugs of weeds before giving up and taking Tanni for a run on the beach..

Was a nice tasty salad, one of my specials with lots of flowers, but no salad cream!

Music, from Central Park, just beautiful..

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