"Weird standing up guy"

So Angus is poorly again. Well, he has been poorly for two weeks but then he got better. Then he got worse again. A secondary infection the district nurse who visited today thinks. He's back in bed and back on the painkillers.

But today was his birthday. Really felt for him.

Squidge and I brought him cake in bed with candles and tried to cheer him up.

His parents came over as the original plan had been for us to go out for a nice lunch while they babysat. In the end, we hobbled down the road for a roast locally for an hour. Angus had to stand up for most of it due to the discomfort he gets from sitting. He got some odd looks in the restaurant and we joked he must look like the "weird standing up guy" (see picture of my beardy, emancipated, poor husband eating sticky toffee pudding standing up!)

Despite all this we had a lovely lunch and were in fits of giggles at one stage telling each other stories from our schooldays (we were both geeks that got bullied!) Turns out Angus once had to have stitches after the local bad lad filled his bobble hat with stones and hit him over the head with it. It's good he can laugh about this now!

Home to a poorly Squidge (bit of a stomach upset) and Man Utd vs Chelsea with the in-laws and lots of brews. Not much of a birthday for Angus but it'll do in the circumstances!

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