
Today's the day ......................... to follow the footpath

When it comes to going for a walk - Will is a bit of a wanderer. He always has a map with him, but he's happy just to set off for where he's going - and only looks at the map to confirm he's right.

I need much more than that. I like a proper footpath - preferably with signposts. It makes my day if there are stiles or kissing-gates or anything that reassures you that you are on the right track and that people have been using it for centuries. I need to know that if I follow the path ( which is going to be very obvious) - I will end up where I have planned to be. Is that all very boring - and possibly a bit paranoiac?!

Well today - we did it my way. We had a nice walk across the fields - some planted with winter wheat/barley - and others like this stubbly one. We arrived in the interesting village of Masham without getting lost and we spent a few hours getting to know it a bit better. We had a lovely lunch in the Black Sheep Brewery, tried a few beers and then went on a tour to see how they were made. Then we did the walk again - only back the way - to where we were staying.

We were mentioned today in another walk by ACyclingGranny ......................

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